Sunday, May 20, 2012


Below is my narrative which describes the full experience of my Designed Facility, from the eyes of a child named James.


My name is James. I am 7 years old. Today, I will do excursion with my friends from my school. We will visiting new building near Story Bridge. My teacher said, this will be a valuable experience.
We go there by bus. From distance I can see trees and plants all over the land and also the supercool look of the building! After I arrive. I see a circle fountain with bamboo trees on it. I feel calm and welcomed! I try to touch the bamboo and it’s kind of rough. But I love it. I heard the sound of the fountain too and it is calming me down. Oh yeah, other people are coming too. Some of them are using ferry, and they seem like the bamboo trees and fountain as well.
After the bamboos, I walk through the small path. I see trees and grass along the path and I feel like I am in the garden. I feel the air and wind. I see birds fly over. So different experience rather than accompany my mommy shopping to the City. Why all this trees and grass are not just located in the City? So I can feel this everyday in my life, when I go to school or accompany my mommy to grocery? :(
Then I go into the first building, which has 2 floors. I can see outside from here because it has lots of glass. I can see the sky and light. We don’t even need to turn the lights on! I feel curious about all this things around! Inside the building, my friends and me are watching funny cartoon with funny narrator. We laugh and have fun. Oh, the cartoon is actually tells us about the beauty and importance of nature.
After watching the cartoon, I given opportunity to look around. Then I go to the building which facing the river. Here, I can see the sky as well so they don’t need to turn the lights on. I see diorama of fish, seaweed and others. At the end of the room I can see the view of the river and can hear the sound of it. It gives me calm feeling.
I go to other building, which titled ‘Trees and Plants Exhibition Hall’. I go into it and I see diorama of plants and small trees. But I see a very cool thing. If I walk to the end of the building, suddenly the floor is changing into grass! So I walk in the grass inside the building. I feel like I am in the outside. The sunlight is coming inside too!
I follow the grass and now I am in the garden. I see lots of tall trees and beautiful grass. I also see Birds fly over and Insects on the trees. Mainly Dragonfly and Grasshopper. I walk the path and I feel more like in the forest. I feel the wind breeze. I can see the sky and it is very peaceful. I lay in the grass with my friends. Enjoying fresh air.
After a while, out teacher calling us for lunch. I bring my own sandwich but I see some of small food stall probably just in case someone forgot to bring lunch. We have lunch around the cool buildings. We sit on bench. We talk to people from other school. We talk about our experience in the garden back there. Everyone is telling excited stories!
Before we go home, my teacher said that we have to play games first. We directed to a big space, which has lots of bottles and bunch of costumes. Here, we have to play ‘Harvest Moon’. We wear an Overall Jeans, Hat and Boots. We have to plant a seed into the bottle. I take the soil from the ground, put it into the bottle, put the seed and water them. I plant a nut seed. We have to wait for few weeks to actually see the seed grows perfectly. My teacher said that planting seeds is the history of old farmer people, which is rare now. My teacher also said that if we planting seed, we also keep the nature.
            After do games, we directed to exit route. We back to the path at the first time. It is hard to say goodbye but I really enjoyed today. Now I understand why this building has lots of trees, grass, birds, insects and even sunlight. They are so beautiful. I wish I can enjoy this everywhere and when I grow up, I want kind of those in my house :)

Fin, hope you enjoyed it :)

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