Thursday, April 26, 2012


The type of the layout is centered and the path is some sort of connecting each space. This is also the representation of 'connection' in the design context.

1. Indoor Presentation Rooms
Earth Building and Multipurpose Hall
The knowledge provided here is to introduce the origin of earth and how beauty and independent it is. Thus, the knowledge about global warming will be presented here in a 'childy' way so children will understand that the earth needs preservation and how everyone can contribute even in a small amount.

2. Indoor Exhibition Hall
-Hall 1: The Southwest Hall
Water and Marine Life will be presented here. Water is one of the important aspect for earth and how nowadays the marine life is began to extinct caused by the immoral people. The aim is to give understanding about the importance of water and marine life and how precious it is, especially for natural balance.

-Hall 2: The Southeast Hall
Trees and Plantation will be presented here. The aim is to give understanding about the relationship of Trees and human life, thus to implement 'I Love Trees' thinking to stop illegal logging in the future.

3. Outdoor Exhibition Space
The Plane Of All Senses
This area provides the exposure of natural environment around the site such as Trees, Grass, River, View, Breeze, Sky, Weather etc. To be understand, each person should use all their senses to feel and absorb the essence in their heart. In that way, they will understand how precious and beautiful our earth and natural environment.

4. Historical Play Space
The Brisbane Time Machine
In this area, the children required to understand the timeline history and culture of Brisbane. Each person will be teamed up and will be given with one of the historical event in Brisbane. Either they want to do a role play, drawing competition, quiz or anything else that they think fun. They turn that space into Brisbane Time Machine because we will see Matthew Flinders, John Finnegan, or Richard Parsons back to life!

The site is allow people from any kind, origins, ages, etc to come. The site provides a lot of open space to build social relationship, share stories, activities or to form a community. And you done it under the trees and blew by the fresh air, will be valuable experience in life.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves"  -John Muir

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