Sunday, April 29, 2012


A slightly difference with the historical place space. The space will also include the live animal space because I think that is the safest place on site because it's quite far from water and lots of open space.

WHITE: Indoor Presentation Space
BROWN: Indoor Exhibition Spaces
SKY BLUE: Outdoor Exhibition Space
DARK BLUE: Historical Place Space as well as Live Animal Space
GREY: Pathway, connecting Lunch Area (in the middle of buildings), Entry Plaza and other spaces.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


The type of the layout is centered and the path is some sort of connecting each space. This is also the representation of 'connection' in the design context.

1. Indoor Presentation Rooms
Earth Building and Multipurpose Hall
The knowledge provided here is to introduce the origin of earth and how beauty and independent it is. Thus, the knowledge about global warming will be presented here in a 'childy' way so children will understand that the earth needs preservation and how everyone can contribute even in a small amount.

2. Indoor Exhibition Hall
-Hall 1: The Southwest Hall
Water and Marine Life will be presented here. Water is one of the important aspect for earth and how nowadays the marine life is began to extinct caused by the immoral people. The aim is to give understanding about the importance of water and marine life and how precious it is, especially for natural balance.

-Hall 2: The Southeast Hall
Trees and Plantation will be presented here. The aim is to give understanding about the relationship of Trees and human life, thus to implement 'I Love Trees' thinking to stop illegal logging in the future.

3. Outdoor Exhibition Space
The Plane Of All Senses
This area provides the exposure of natural environment around the site such as Trees, Grass, River, View, Breeze, Sky, Weather etc. To be understand, each person should use all their senses to feel and absorb the essence in their heart. In that way, they will understand how precious and beautiful our earth and natural environment.

4. Historical Play Space
The Brisbane Time Machine
In this area, the children required to understand the timeline history and culture of Brisbane. Each person will be teamed up and will be given with one of the historical event in Brisbane. Either they want to do a role play, drawing competition, quiz or anything else that they think fun. They turn that space into Brisbane Time Machine because we will see Matthew Flinders, John Finnegan, or Richard Parsons back to life!

The site is allow people from any kind, origins, ages, etc to come. The site provides a lot of open space to build social relationship, share stories, activities or to form a community. And you done it under the trees and blew by the fresh air, will be valuable experience in life.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.  Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves"  -John Muir


Space that should be included in the design:

1. Entry Plaza
2. Lunch Area
3. Presentation Space
4. Indoor Exhibition Halls
5. Outdoor Exhibition Space
6. Historical Play Space

Building Footprint
1. Presentation Space suitable for 50 students: 15m X 12m = 180sqm (each story)
This space has 2 story (each story to accomodate 25 students, furnitures and people circulation)

2. Indoor Exhibition Spaces: 16m x 6m = 96sqm (each space) - there are 2 spaces
TOTAL = 192sqm

TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT: 180sqm + 192sqm = 372sqm - still less than maximum 500sqm

Open Space
1. Lunch Area
Lunch area is available around site. But the specific location is in the center around the buildings.
Circular space -- phi x square of radius = 3.14 x 36 = 113.4 rounded 113sqm

2. Entry Plaza
Circular space -- 3.14 x 64 = 200,96 rounded 201sqm

3. Outdoor Exhibition Space
20m x 20m = 400sqm

4. Historical play space (share with live animal [Deer] space and include spare spaces)
20m x 23m = 460sqm

TOTAL: 1174sqm

FOOTPRINT + OPEN = 372sqm + 1174sqm = 1546sqm

Monday, April 23, 2012



Basically the aim is to connects people from surrounding area to the Howard Smith Wharves site inside this Environmental Education Center. The analysis covers the abstraction of Site - Surrounding connection, Surrounding area, Mobility and Access (how to reach) to the Site.

Conclusion for this analysis:
The site has strategic location which surrounded by 4 main suburbs and City area. The site located close to Brunswick street which one of the street that connects those suburbs. Thus, there is a Brisbane Landmark near the site which is Story Bridge as well a direct route from Kangaroo Point.

HSW Site can be reached by many options of transportation, such as Buz, CityCat, by walking, or self driving.

Besides Social Connection, Natural & Sustainability Connection are the main qualities of this Environmental Center. It will connects to the natural aspects on the site as well as engaging Passive Design Building (Sustainability) utilizing site condition.

1. Natural Aspects Analysis
There are at least 3 natural aspects on the site which is Plantation (Tress around the cliff), Parkland (Greenery and Cliff) and Water. Those elements are interrelate with each other, forming a natural ambience.

2. Sight Distance Analysis
The view from the site is magnificent! There are 4 views that can be utilized which is view to Kangaroo Point, Story Bridge, Riverside and City. Those views are included with the sky view and river view, gives some sort of wide and spacious feeling especially for outdoor activities.

3. Wind Track Analysis
The main idea for Sustainability is to incorporate Passive Design of building which includes Passive Cooling & Passive Lighting. Wind can gives sense of breeze, thus it is great to be included for outdoor activities.

4. Sun Path Analysis
Although this is classy, but the Sun Path Study gives me an understanding about the amount of light and temperature. Since the building will incorporate Passive Lighting Design, it is important to determine the area that got more or less amount of sun light.

Conclusion for this analysis:
The site has everything that Natural Environment needs such as Plantation, Water, Soil and Parkland. Trees and Grass can grow there. Then, the site is very wide open gives lots amount of wind and light. Thus, the view is wide open as well to many directions.

"Less is More" -Miss Van Der Rohe

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


A Container of Connection is a place where People, Nature and Sustainability Education connects.

Concept Diagram

The idea is to provide a place that 'Connects' either is Socially, Naturally or Education. Howard Smith Wharves site is considered as a center between 4 Suburbs and CBD so it is strategic to make it such a center.

or Social Interaction is an activity that will connects people from New Farm, Fortitude Valley, Spring Hill, Kangaroo Point, CBD or in range.

The building will be built in the center of the HSW site, and I would like to connect the building to every natural aspects on the site (View, Trees, Cliff, Sky, etc).

Sustainability Education will be main units of this Primary School. Since HSW site is located in a pretty breeze and light location, I can utilized them to influence the building to have passive design.

Concept Implementation Diagram

SOCIALIZE: Making Friends, Share Stories, Share Activities, Community.

NATURAL: The engagement with natural aspects & Architecture relationships with nature.

PASSIVE: Gives understanding about sustainability and environment.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Design: Environmental Education Center for Children

I would like to stimulate Curiosity through unique and interesting shapes of the building.

Engaging discovering activities through different environmental aspects on the site (River View, Trees, Parklands, Wind Breeze).

Providing understanding stage through education room provided, where they can bring what they have discovered, either stuffs like branch of trees, grass, insects, water, dust, or even more sophisticated such as photographs. In order to be educated about nature, I believe the best way to do it is to connect them directly with nature.

I believe children has lots of questions in their minds. They have wild sense of discovering something without any shy and fear. They want to put any efforts as long as they can answer their curiosity. Now, I'm here to facilitate them.

I was a shy person but wild, by means that I would like to running wild answering questions that haven't been answered (at least in my mind). But somehow, no one cares and no one ever facilitate me with any spirits. So, sometimes I just don't know where to go.

On the other hand, my childhood was very 'childy'. I know what is good to be played and I know what is great to be done. For me, my childhood is the moment that makes me glorious like today. Or in other words, my childhood was great! And I believe I am the right person for this project.

Interactive learning process is a learning process through direct action - reaction. It can be done with our 5 senses. Interactive learning is good for children because they will tend to absorb and understand more clearly and will remember it most of the times, thus it will be considered as their experience.

I will design the aspects of the building through 5 senses.
1. See
2. Hear
3. Smell
4. Taste
5. Feel / Touch

Recent application
1. See: the physical form of trees, grass, flowers, blue sky, animals or anything that relates to natural environment.
2. Hear: Wind breeze, water sounds, animals sounds, audible nature sounds.
3. Smell: The scent of trees, waters, insects, rock, soil.
4. Taste: The honey from flowers.
5. Feel / Touch: The wind flow, touch the texture of trees, branches, soil, water, insects and can be brought as their reference.

Recent condition from HSW site. (Red: Ground space - Green: Trees & Cliffs - Blue: River - Yellow: Street)

After I take out the background, it will come up something like this which more like series of layers.

As the recent development design, Those series of layers will be included in the design derived from it's priority.